My Blog Halfsary Winner! — Beauty By Tellie


I’m Kristel. I vlog. I blog. Professional makeup artist based in Manila. 300 hours training in Make Up For Ever Academy, Seoul, South Korea. I live makeup, you have no idea.

My Blog Halfsary Winner!

Hello everyone! After three weeks (I think I overdid this one 9_9,) I finally have a winner for the Benefit Primping with the Stars beauty kit.

Virtual Awarding. Just imagine a winner on the right.

And the winner is... screenie to verify that she follows me (and I follow her, hehe)

Congrats Gelai! You have 24 hours from when I send my email to respond with the necessary shipment info. Otherwise, I'll be forced to select a new winner.

Thank you to everyone who participated, commented and shared my posts. BBT is six months old and counting 'cause of all your love :)

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