Beauty By Tellie

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My January SaladBox Unboxing!

Hey everyone! Last Wednesday I got my second SaladBox in my SaladLite subscription, good for two months. (EDIT: FALSE. I got the Starter Plan which used to be good for two months, but is currently packaged for three months.) The first one was a huge dud. Check it here. I got the second one last Tuesday in the office, and I couldn't wait 'til getting home so I opened it there. Whoot! Here's what's inside:

The contents of my January SaladBox!

Theme for the month is "New Year, Better You." This new look is care of the color of the year, which is Emerald Green.

What I'm most excited about:

Sophia by Virginia Olsen eyelash enhancer
  • I think this Sophia eyelash enhancer made a lot of noise last time they promoted it for some contest. Here it is now, available for all subscribers. It totes makes up for the ultra-sucky December box! I'm a little apprehensive though 'cause I did a Talika review a while back and gave it a BBT score of 4.75 for letting me grow 2-3mm in a month. I don't know if it's fair to test this right away since I've probably already attained the maximum artificial growth I can get.

Ysabel's Daughter revitalizing facial serum in Jasmine
  • Oh wowowow. What a stroke of luck. Last time I was in a Mercury Drugstore, I checked the Celeteque products hoping to find possible refills for my serum. Just as I suspected, they had everything but the serum. It smells a little weird (Lavender) but we'll see :)

Missha Red Ginseng sheet mask
  • Ever since I found out what my cotton rounds are for (check this post) I've been dying to get a mask. I'd have preferred a sweet-smelling mask and red ginseng isn't exactly a good aroma, but here's to hoping that they modified that :)

Amuse eyeliner in Gold
  • Well, I'd prefer brown or black, but I am always looking to expand my eyeliner collection. I already have brown, black, grey and blue. I'm gonna have to experiment further to see what kind of look goes well with gold.

Other stuff in here:

  • This is funny. Why are there Korean twinks on the package? Lol. I'm not really into oil control film, I prefer powder. I'm also not to keen on the thin wax paper variant 'cause they tend to tear. I prefer Clean & Clear's plastic-like sheets.

Bonus items!

  • Yellow Halo Php 100 off - I'm not really into health stuff. I don't know if I'll ever get around to using it but at least it has one-year validity.
  • Spoonful of Sugar one free cupcake - Awesome!!!! Where are their stores? I want.
  • Urbanears Php 300 off - I don't know.


Well the December box was a huge letdown. This one certainly made up for everything else. 4 out of 5 things I'm excited about and that is huge.  I also like how their brands are so out there and unheard of.  I thought I already had my mind made up but now I have to think again if I'm going to renew this or not!!