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My March SaladBox Unboxing!

Hey everyone! I've been on a roll with reviews and believe me, I still have a whole box of products with pending review posts. BUT WAIT! Call within the next twenty minutes and I have another box of completely untested products! My room is seriously being overrun with samples and it may seem like I'm complaining BUT I LOVE IT!!! My mom doesn't like the clutter but what can she do? It's not in her room, teehee. N ow that I'm improving my photography, I can finally make a dent on those two boxes! But, I digress.

Yesterday morning, my March SaladBox arrived. I know I've been throwing quite a few darts at the proverbial SaladBox dartboard but I was wonderfully pleased with this month's box. FINALLY, a no-nonsense box filled with goodies actually worth trying. And I'm not even mad that they nixed the coupons! I hardly ever get to use those anyway.

Here's the box, in a glance:

My March SaladBox
March SaladBox: Pre-Summer Coolness

Theme of the month is: Pre-Summer Coolness. Well, the boxes arrived a little bit late and we are already smack-dab in the middle of summer. Still, who cares, right? Read on for the contents and to find out what I think about the March SaladBox.

What I'm Excited About:

Innisfree It's Real Sheet Mask (Manuka Honey,)  20g  / Php 180, 20g

Sheet mask, whoo! Way back in my Shiseido Challenge, I read up a little and learned to luuuurve sheet masks. I've been eyeing sweet smelling masks too, as I've only tried perfume-smelling masks from Shiseido. This one's going straight to the fridge! P.S. I've heard that refrigerating masks = added benefits.

Mir and Ryvi Tomato Soap ~25g, Php 250 / 135g

Tomato is a known anti-acne and pore minimising agent. I'm actually stoked to try this out as in my Snow Globe review, I said that I'm sort of into soaps with a natural flair. This bar is FDA-approved and  good for the face and body but I'm not quite sure where to use it. It has to be either a dedicated body or a dedicated facial soap.

The wrapper has a lot of information on it but I'm not opening this one up 'til it's up for review.

Skin 79 Hot Pink Super Plus Beblesh Balm ~2g each, Php 930 / 15g, Php 1600 / 40g 

I love trying out new bb creams, you all know that!

Baviphat Island Girls BB Primer Fix ~2ml, Php 990 / 45ml

This one is described as a bb primer fix. While all bb creams typically double as a primer, I'm kind of confused why they decided to highlight that particular benefit. I wonder if it lacks coverage, 'cause if so, pushing this as a primer would then make sense.

Other Stuff in Here:

Avon Skin So Soft Glutathione Hand and Body Lotion 50ml, Php 350 / 250ml

I feel very lukewarm about this sample. For one, I'm not really into lotions. I'm too lazy to apply it and too finicky to ever be content with the feeling of having it on. And well, not to be an elitist but Avon leaves me with a Garnier-esque feeling of I know it's inexpensive but does it even work? kind of distrust. On the brighter side of things, it smells strong and nice while being very light and non-greasy, so I'm not opposed to trying it. I'll probably keep it as a casual hand lotion to minimize the stress I feel whenever I have something new to add to my beauty regimen.

I might give three of them away since I also got a pair in my March GlamourBox. *sigh* I really hate it when brands do a promo-blast across different sampling services. I'd rather have variety than redundancy, but I guess it's a business thing. Not everyone gets all the boxes and the brands just want to maximize exposure.

P.S. There's also a promo code for subscribers on the curation card. All online purchases, including subbies, get a 15% off. *sigh* To buy or not to buy?


March SaladBox: The Curation Card

Before I'd even gotten my March subby, (the first of a renewed, three-month subscription,) I was already dead-set on non-renewal.

This box is kindofsortof winning me back to the brand. It still arrived late and I feel like the Avon lotion is actually bad to use during summer (NEVER let the sun shine on your whitening peels, lotions and creams as that will make things worse) but I'm not really particular with theme cohesiveness so I don't really mind.

I'd probably even feel great about this box had I not had that god-awful emotional roller coaster on the free samples promo. I am fervently praying that the next two are as good or even better than this one because I really don't want to drop any of my current subbies.

Check out SaladBox's site here. I'll try to finish my March roundup ASAP but you'll probably see a couple of reviews before I get that up :)