Beauty By Tellie

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Unboxing: The January 2014 Glamourbox (A Snoe Special!)

Glamourbox is one of the three subscriptions I'm currently signed up with. You may read more Glamourbox unboxings here.

Heyheyhey! Guess what was waiting for me on my bed last Sunday morning?

January 2014 Glamourbox: Impressions

Not my boy (how I wish!), but something that makes me tingle just the same: a Glamourbox! This month's release is totes exciting because they've been teasing since forever about their partnership with Snoe. I'm not randomly blubbering here just because I love beauty boxes. This is a brand exclusive and for the first time, it's with a brand that has a lot of new and must-try items.

January 2014 Glamourbox ft. Snoe: A Special Edition

Why Do I Love Brand Exclusives?

Something called the  bystander effect  takes place when a brand co-signs to provide samples.

In psychology, it means that people in a crowd will stand in apathy during a moment of crisis, fully expecting someone else amongst the masses to fix the situation.  In subscription boxes, I see it when brands offer sachets fully expecting other brands to fill up the box. Just as individuals don't act because anyone can be blamed for the crisis, brands don't give wow samples because subscription companies get all the bad press for flat and empty boxes.

However, don't lose hope, subscribers. A new trend is dawning. Brands are learning the power of subscription boxes in social media and they're much more willing to provide premium-to-full size samples to generate more buzz. They're starting to "buy out" whole boxes so that for at least a week, nobody talks about nothing but that brand. (Avon did a July 2013 Glamourbox exclusive.)

So why the supply shift? When you have your name stamped as a partner and you're the only brand filling up the box, there's more pressure to please the customer. You can't have your brand release a crappy box. It's your name on the line and you take the fall for flat and empty boxes. If you don't make an impact, your brand is dead and there's no fellow sachet-providers to help cushion the fall. You come off cheap and while people like inexpensive, nobody pays for cheap.

ANYWAY. That's today's business and marketing lesson. I am obviously just spouting theories here as I am not materially connected to any of the subscription brands. Whatever is really happening behind the scenes, all I can say with 100% certainty is that I'm glad with the improvements! Honestly, overseas boxes look so pitiful compared to ours. They're still stuck on sachets.

January 2014 Glamourbox ft. Snoe: A Special Edition

That said, I am absolutely in love with this Snoe exclusive 'cause they did everything right! Everything they sent out is consistently raved about or labelled a must-try. Plus, they provided full-size samples. There's only one item that's in sample-size, but it's still workable.

Check out my full unboxing after the jump!

Here's What I Got (Sorted by Favorites:)

Snoe Hair Heroes in Agent Zero, Php 599 / 250ml

Hair Heroes. Wow! Hair Heroes has gained a cult-following and is actually one of the lines that have helped propel Snoe to where they are today. Largely ignored in the past as a small brand, it was Hair Heroes' insane Rapunzel powers of providing beautimous hair that got it on everyone's radars.

I can't wait to finish up my current shampoo and conditioner samples! This hair serum seems to be for people with sensitive scalps as the Zero in Agent Zero means "no irritating ingredients."

Snoe Whipped Body Frosting in Passion Fruit Parfait, Php 249 / 150ml

I hate lotions but if anything, I will only wear them if they smell like 6 out of 5 stars. Snoe's whipped body frostings have gotten a lot of love online because they small crazy delicious! And I'm guessing it's the aeration (is it even aerated?) but most people find this product easily absorbed by the skin.

Snoe Fizzy Clean in Pleasant Peach, Php 179 / 50ml

I'm not a germophobe but I am a girl scout. I can't stand needing something but not having it in my purse. While sanitizers aren't an hourly necessity for me, I do use some before I eat or reapply makeup with my hands.

That's not really a big deal for me. What propelled Pleasant Peach to third place in my favorites list is its smell. OH GOD. The smell. It wafted out of the box in a solid cloud of mushroom-shaped aroma and it smelled SO GOOD. The liquid-to-foam dispenser is just a plus because I find sanitizing foams more convenient than gel and liquid sanitizers.

Snoe Magic Beso Balm, Php 299 / 4g

I haven't actually had much luck with color-changing balms but I'm keeping an open mind with this one. I love balms and lip products so much that this uncertain little thing remains high up my favorites list :P

Snoe Poudre Extraordinaire in Vanilla Creme, Perfect Beige or Warm Honey (Not indicated!) Php 799 / 35g. ~2g sample provided.

Poudre has similarly gotten a lot of love (based on what I've seen online) for its amazing finish and setting powers. Mostly, oily-skinned people have more love for it as I imagine setting is a bigger issue for them. I'm more curious about the finish though, as most setting powders I've encountered left a distinctly cakey / matte finish that looked very unrealistic.

Snoe White Beauty Bar in Lightening Licorice and Organic Papaya, Php 139 / 150g

People also seem to love Snoe soaps and come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a bad Snoe review. The worst I've seen is my own lukewarm one on the Beso Balm.

Both variants I got are whitening variants, which I don't particularly care about, but I would like to see for myself how non-drying these natural soaps are.


January 2014 Glamourbox ft. Snoe: Curation Card

Box Value: Php 1604

WOW! I mean just WOW! I love the full-size items and I cannot stress it enough how I love that Snoe put their best-sellers in it. They can afford to do so because they're relatively new. Brands like L'Oreal and Revlon can't put their best-sellers. Obviously everyone's tried them already. But oh golly gee whiz! I don't have anything from Snoe (except other box samples!) I'm so excited because they're one of those newer, local brands that don't market themselves as chipipay, not-even-worth-your-money makeup and cosmetics. They actually have good and pretty stuff.

I've read at least one rave on each item off this list, except for the sanitizer. I think it's new?  And Beso Balm used to just come in the plain mint flavor. Anyway, I love that they still put one piece of makeup here. Two, if you count the balm as makeup.

Listen up: This is how you do a beauty subscription box.

You may visit Glamourbox at; and
Snoe at