

Iā€™m Kristel. I vlog. I blog. Professional makeup artist based in Manila. 300 hours training in Make Up For Ever Academy, Seoul, South Korea. I live makeup, you have no idea.

I've Been Busy, Watch Me On Youtube!

I've Been Busy, Watch Me On Youtube!

So everyone may have noticed I've gone off the radar again. It wasn't for any particular reason other than that I wanted to try out Youtube! This has been a long time coming. When I started blogging five years ago (December 14, 2012... wat) a lot of people encouraged me to try Youtube instead. I am first and foremost, a writer, so it wasn't a suggestion I took seriously until I finished makeup academy and realized that all the new information I wanted to share with you guys is quite difficult to convey through words and pictures.

I'm thinking of it more as a necessity, but I was shocked at how thrilling it was. By the end of my unimaginable upload time (Hi, PH internet. You suck, btw :D) I couldn't press the button? My hand was physically shaking and my heart raced at the thought of having a first video out??? I like editing videos and it feels nice to explain things in action. I'm still very limited though, but I hope to get better at it. I can't wait to share things I learned in makeup school, and other stupid stuff!

So profesh!

So profesh!

Anyway, this link will take you to the video. I'm not happy with it - I'm really my worst critic. I think there's a lot of things to be improved, but I'd love to hear what you guys think! Please like, subscribe and turn on notifications for Beauty By Tellie <3 I want to do a weekly (Friday) video but I don't have solid programming yet - let's see what happens!

*Header image c/o WTF Club

Holiday Sales Are A-Coming: Sephora SPOOKPH Sale Unboxing!

Holiday Sales Are A-Coming: Sephora SPOOKPH Sale Unboxing!

Skincare Snippets 2017-04: Retinoids Have Changed My Life

Skincare Snippets 2017-04: Retinoids Have Changed My Life